USCRN/USRCRN FTP HOURLY02 STREAM NCDC provides ftp access to data from the U.S. Climate Reference Network / U.S. Regional Climate Reference Network (USCRN/USRCRN) via anonymous ftp at the address That directory contains a separate subdirectory for each year that the ftp data are available. Each subdirectory contains a collection of ASCII files named according to the following convention: CRNH02TT-YYYY-${name}.txt where TT = 2-character file format number (currently 03) YYYY = 4-digit year ${name} = Unique station name (state location vector) with spaces replaced by underscores (e.g. AZ_Tucson_11_W) The 'snapshots' directory contains POR snapshots which have been previously produced. Each archived zip file contains the entire period of record of USCRN/USRCRN hourly02 data. Snapshots are uploaded at the same time as the POR files and are named according to the following convention: where TT = 2-character file format number (currently 03) YYYY = 4-digit year files generated MM = 2-digit month files generated (01=Jan, ..., 12=Dec) DD = 2-digit day of month files generated HH = 2-digit hour of day files generated mm = 2-digit minute files generated Additionally, the 'updates' directory contains a separate subdirectory for each year that the hourly02 ftp data have been available, starting with 2008. Each such subdirectory contains a collection of ASCII files named according to the following convention: CRNFFH02TT-YYYYMMDDHHmm.txt where FF = 2-digit file frequency, in minutes (currently always 60) TT = 2-character file format number (currently 03) YYYY = 4-digit year MM = 2-digit month (01=Jan, ..., 12=Dec) DD = 2-digit day of month HH = 2-digit hour of day mm = 2-digit minute Each hourly update file contains USCRN/USRCRN data that were loaded into the USCRN/USRCRN database during the period of time lasting FF minutes and ending at UTC time YYYYMMDDHHmm. The 2-character sequence TT indicates the file format number. If at some point in the future for format for USCRN/USRCRN hourly02 ftp data changes, this number will be changed. Each of the files described above contains fixed-column formatted lines, each of which represents one hour's observation data from one station. The format of each line is as follows: cols 1 -- 5 [5 chars] WBANNO The station WBAN number. cols 7 -- 14 [8 chars] UTC_DATE The UTC date of the observation. cols 16 -- 19 [4 chars] UTC_TIME The UTC time of the observation. Time is the end of the observed hour, so the 00 hour belongs with the previous day's observation, since it contains observations between 11 PM and midnight of that day. cols 21 -- 28 [8 chars] LST_DATE The Local Standard Time (LST) date of the observation. cols 30 -- 33 [4 chars] LST_TIME The Local Standard Time (LST) time of the observation. Time is the end of the observed hour. cols 35 -- 40 [6 chars] CRX_VN The version number of the station datalogger program that was in effect at the time of the observation. Note: should be treated as a string. cols 42 -- 48 [7 chars] LONGITUDE Station longitude, using WGS-84. cols 50 -- 56 [7 chars] LATITUDE Station latitude, using WGS-84. cols 58 -- 64 [7 chars] T_CALC Average temperature, in degrees C, during the last 5 minutes of the hour. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 66 -- 72 [7 chars] T_HR_AVG Average temperature, in degrees C, during the entire hour. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 74 -- 80 [7 chars] T_MAX Maximum temperature, in degrees C, during the hour. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. The independent measurements are the maximum for each sensor of 5-minute average temperatures measured every 10 seconds during the hour. cols 82 -- 88 [7 chars] T_MIN Minimum temperature, in degrees C, during the hour. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. The independent measurements are the mminimum for each sensor of 5-minute average temperatures measured every 10 seconds during the hour. cols 90 -- 96 [7 chars] P_CALC Total amount of precipitation, in mm, recorded during the hour. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple independent measures of precipitation; this P_CALC value is a single precipitation number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 98 -- 103 [6 chars] SOLARAD Average solar radiation, in watts/meter^2, for the hour. cols 105 -- 105 [1 chars] SOLARAD_FLAG QC flag for solar radiation. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 107 -- 112 [6 chars] SOLARAD_MAX Maximum solar radiation, in watts/meter^2, for the hour. cols 114 -- 114 [1 chars] SOLARAD_MAX_FLAG QC flag for solar radiation maximum. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 116 -- 121 [6 chars] SOLARAD_MIN Minimum solar radiation, in watts/meter^2, for the hour. cols 123 -- 123 [1 chars] SOLARAD_MIN_FLAG QC flag for solar radiation minimum. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 125 -- 125 [1 chars] SUR_TEMP_TYPE Type of surface tempearture measurement. 'R' to denote raw surface temperature measurements, 'C' to denote corrected surface temperature measurements, and 'U' when unknown. cols 127 -- 133 [7 chars] SUR_TEMP Average surface temperature, in degrees C, for the hour. cols 135 -- 135 [1 chars] SUR_TEMP_FLAG QC flag for surface temperature. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 137 -- 143 [7 chars] SUR_TEMP_MAX Maximum surface temperature, in degrees C, for the hour. cols 145 -- 145 [1 chars] SUR_TEMP_MAX_FLAG QC flag for surface temperature maximum. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 147 -- 153 [7 chars] SUR_TEMP_MIN Minimum surface temperature, in degrees C, for the hour. cols 155 -- 155 [1 chars] SUR_TEMP_MIN_FLAG QC flag for surface temperature minimum. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 157 -- 161 [5 chars] RH_HR_AVG RH average for hour cols 163 -- 163 [1 chars] RH_HR_AVG_FLAG QC flag for RH average. 0 means good, 3 means erroneous. cols 165 -- 171 [7 chars] SOIL_MOISTURE_5 Average soil moisture (volumetric water content) during the entire hour at 5 cm below the surface, the ratio of water volume over sample volume. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located moisture sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single moisture number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 173 -- 179 [7 chars] SOIL_MOISTURE_10 Average soil moisture (volumetric water content) during the entire hour at 10 cm below the surface, the ratio of water volume over sample volume. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located moisture sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single moisture number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 181 -- 187 [7 chars] SOIL_MOISTURE_20 Average soil moisture (volumetric water content) during the entire hour at 20 cm below the surface, the ratio of water volume over sample volume. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located moisture sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single moisture number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 189 -- 195 [7 chars] SOIL_MOISTURE_50 Average soil moisture (volumetric water content) during the entire hour at 50 cm below the surface, the ratio of water volume over sample volume. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located moisture sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single moisture number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 197 -- 203 [7 chars] SOIL_MOISTURE_100 Average soil moisture (volumetric water content) during the entire hour at 100 cm below the surface, the ratio of water volume over sample volume. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located moisture sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single moisture number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 205 -- 211 [7 chars] SOIL_TEMP_5 Average soil temperature during the entire hour at 5 cm below the surface, in degrees C. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 213 -- 219 [7 chars] SOIL_TEMP_10 Average soil temperature during the entire hour at 10 cm below the surface, in degrees C. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 221 -- 227 [7 chars] SOIL_TEMP_20 Average soil temperature during the entire hour at 20 cm below the surface, in degrees C. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 229 -- 235 [7 chars] SOIL_TEMP_50 Average soil temperature during the entire hour at 50 cm below the surface, in degrees C. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. cols 237 -- 243 [7 chars] SOIL_TEMP_100 Average soil temperature during the entire hour at 100 cm below the surface, in degrees C. Note: USCRN/USRCRN stations have multiple co-located temperature sensors that record independent measurements. This value is a single temperature number that is calculated from the multiple independent measurements. FORMAT CHANGES: 1. [Transition from format '01' to '02'] As of March 22, 2011 15:00 UTC the format of the Hourly product was changed by removing the COOPNO (Cooperative Observer Program Number) column from the format. This was the second column in the format, starting at character 7 and ending at character 12. With the removal of this column, all following columns were shifted to the left by 7 characters. The contents of the shifted columns remained the same. 2. [Transition from format '02' to '03'] As of January 7, 2013 15:00 UTC the format of the Hourly product was changed by adding the SUR_TEMP_TYPE column to the format. This is now the 20th column in the format, starting and ending at character 125. With the addition of this column, all following columns were shifted to the right by 2 characters. The contents of the shifted columns remained the same. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. All fields are separated from adjacent fields by at least one space. 2. Leading zeros are omitted. 3. Missing data are indicated by the lowest possible integer for a given column format. Such as -9999.0 for 7-character fields with one decimal place or -99.000 for 7-character fields with three decimal places. 4. Fields which do not have QC flags associated with them, such as T_CALC, P_CALC, are values that are derived from the raw data (which is not included in these files). When the raw data is flagged as erroneous, these derived values are not calculated --- they are reported as missing instead. So these fields may be assumed to always be good (unflagged) data, except when they are reported as missing. 5. The update files are named according to WHEN THE DATA WERE LOADED INTO THE USCRN/USRCRN DATABASE AT NCDC, not according to observation times. Data from USCRN/USRCRN stations generally arrives at NCDC and is loaded into the USCRN/USRCRN database steadily throughout the hour, but sometimes an observation shows up several hours later, if there was a temporary problem with its transmission. In some cases, if there is a more long-term problem with data transmissions from a USCRN/USRCRN station, data from that station will be transferred manually via PDA, which can happen months after the data were collected. No matter how the data arrives at NCDC, it will show up in an ftp file that is named according to the time at which it was loaded into the USCRN/USRCRN database, as long as the date of observation was within the past five days. This five day restriction is in place to avoid overloading users with thousands of records when a PDA arrives. This means that in general each .txt file will contain one hour's worth of data, most of it for the previous hour. There will occasionally be observations in a file that are from more than one hour in the past, however. There are also sometimes hours during which no data is loaded at all (for example when the USCRN/USRCRN database is down for maintenance for several hours on Sunday nights), which means that the .txt files for this period will be empty. This is normal. These periods will be followed by one or more hours in which the .txt files will be larger than average because the system is loading data that that came in over more than a one-hour period. 6. This product supercedes the hourly01 ftp product. It contains all of the variables from the earlier product, plus additional ones. We encourage hourly01 users to transition to the hourly02 product, as hourly01 will be discontinued some time in 2009.