Historical Temperature and Precipitation Data for Phildelphia, PA

      These data are taken from the Franklin Institute's weather website. The data are interesting and useful for examining trends, but there are issues which make their use for climate research problematic. See THIS DOCUMENT for details about the data and some suggested inquiry activities.
All data
.csv output for all data (starting with incomplete precip data for 1872)
.csv output for all data from selected year
.csv output, daily max/min temperature during selected year
.csv output, average max/min temperature for selected month
.csv output for max/min temperature for all years
Graph daily max/min temperature values for selected year
Graph average max/min temperatures for selected month
Graph annual average max/min temperature values for all years
.csv output for daly precipitation and snowfall for selected year
.csv output for total yearly precipitation and snowfall for all years
Graph daily precipitation and snowfall for selected year
Graph annual precipitation and snowfall for all years
Heating degree/cooling degree days
.csv output for heating and cooling degree days during selected year
.csv output for heating and cooling degree days for all years
Graph daily HDD and CDD for selected year
Graph annual HDD and CDD (GDD) for all years
Year (starting 1874):

Base temperature (°F) for
HDD and